Death to all #PlotBunnies

It is #NaNoWriMo, and all of a sudden these evil little Plot Bunnies are attacking me. In the past 16 days I have started not one, but THREE new stories on top of the 13 I have already been working on! Yes, the other day I finished one that I have been working on forContinue reading “Death to all #PlotBunnies”

That Time of the Year Again!

Not that time…yet! In less than 48 hours #NaNoWriMo begins and authors everywhere make reservations for psych wards come December 1st. So what is everyone doing for this year’s novel? I am somewhat cheating. For the past two years I have tried focusing on just one novel for the whole month, but have never finishedContinue reading “That Time of the Year Again!”

Random Update and #CampNaNoWriMo

Chapter four of Finding Family is up, just thought I’d pop in and ask how ya’ll are liking it? Anyone? Anyone like it? Bueller? Bueller? Just curious, keep in mind it is the rambling of a crazy person. I will say that chapter five is not ready yet, but I do have a week toContinue reading “Random Update and #CampNaNoWriMo”

#NanoWriMo and a #CoverReveal for two

Camp NanoWriMo is coming up and I am preparing…as much as I can. I have decided to work on “An Author’s Romance” AKA “The Right Time to Write History.” So I went to the campsite and put in my information, but I am unable to post my cover because it is bigger than a megabyte.Continue reading “#NanoWriMo and a #CoverReveal for two”

#NaNoWriMo Has Ended!

The month of writing hell is done! No I did not complete my novel, but powered through 28,455 words and believe that to be a pretty respectable number…Ok it’s lousy, but I’m proud of getting that much done in one month. It could of been a lot worse. I have a lot more to doContinue reading “#NaNoWriMo Has Ended!”

#NaNoWriMo Week 2

So…week two is done, yay! (heavy sarcasm BTW) I’m only close to 20,000 words and way behind schedule, because I am second guessing the plot. I have a bunch of little conflicts, but not one BIG catastrophe life-ending one.  I have no clue what to do for one or how to work it in. KidnappingContinue reading “#NaNoWriMo Week 2”

#NaNoWriMo Starting Week 2

Week one was nice, my official count is up to well over 17,000 words. The first ten chapters are completed, chapter 11 is under way and the last two chapters are under construction. Going into week two, I feel as if I have hit a road block. First, NaNoWriMo is a time to turn offContinue reading “#NaNoWriMo Starting Week 2”